Keynote Address:
“Kink is Good: BDSM in the Context of New Models of Sex and Gender Variance”
“Myths and Realities of Consensual Non-Monogamy”
“The Kink-Poly Confluence:
Community Intersections and Clinical Approaches”
“Facing Your Shadow:
The Healing Potential of Psychological Edge Play”
Braving Transitions in Polyamorous Relationships”
“Age Play:
Eros, Practicality, and Walking the Edge”
produced by
Michael Aaron, Phd and Dulcinea Pitagora, MA, LMSW
Introducing the 1st Annual AltSex NYC Conference—where clinicians, academics, and alt lifestyle community members will come together for a full day of sex-positive, alternative lifestyle affirmative, cutting edge research-based, and current practice-informed seminars and discussions presented by a stellar collection of New York City educators and mental health providers.
A portion of the AltSex NYC Conference proceeds will be donated to the Community-Academic Consortium for Research on Alternative Sexualities (CARAS) in appreciation of their continued dedication to supporting and promoting excellence in the study of alternative sexualities.
*The AltSexNYC Conference is currently pending review by AASECT as an approved provider of continuing education for certified sex therapists, and by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers.