Call for Proposals


The CFP for the 7th annual AltSex NYC Conference (which will be held on Friday, May 13, 2022) is now open!

Please note that this year’s theme is Metamorphoses. It is not lost on us that our lucky number 7th conference falls on an auspicious Friday the 13th, so we thought we’d lean into that confluence by welcoming proposals that take a deep dive into areas of sexuality encompassing rebirth, ritual, and reconfiguration.

If you need inspiration, there’s Friday the 13th for example, and how the date is considered lucky by some and unlucky by others—how might this concept relate to sex, gender, and relationship structure? What about discoveries of discomfort and how they can lead to growth and healing? Repurposing shadow into light? The redesigning of longstanding relationships? The infusion of fresh blood and chemistry/chemicals in sex and relationships? The rituals of sexualizing gender presentation, body modification, identity reconfiguration?

Please take the theme and run with it! As you know, we are open to all new, intriguing, and thought-provoking presentations on alternative sexualities, the more niche and creative, the better! If you’re not ready to present this time around but you’ve been dying to hear someone you know present, please feel free to forward them a link to this page and suggest they submit a proposal.

  • Please click the button below to upload your CV; maximum file size is 100MB.
  • Include 3 learning objectives (see formatting example below).
  • Include 3 references to the literature that informs your presentation.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, tif, png.
    Please upload a headshot for use on the website; higher resolution photos always work best.
  • Please include any additional information that you would like us to know about you or your work. You may also use this space to ask questions or send comments to the conference organizers.


Please use the following example of learning objectives to format yours, using words such as define, identify, discuss, illustrate, explain, compare, evaluate, apply, analyze to describe specific and measurable behaviors and concepts.

At the conclusion of this event, participants will be able to:

  • Define edge play and identify different types of psychological edge play.
  • Identify several frameworks in understanding the intersection between psychology and sexuality.
  • Discuss different ways that psychological edge play can be experienced as healing and empowering.

Registration Opens December 15, 2021

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