May 1, 2020

Healing Through Whoredom: From Patriarchy to Embodiment 1:15PM  -  1:45PM Zoom

Healing Through Whoredom: From Patriarchy to Embodiment

Can sex work be a healing modality? What does hands-on sexual healing look like? In my own life, unprocessed trauma both led me to sex work and was healed by it. Sex work was a place where I could re-learn bodily autonomy and boundaries and overcome body dysmorphia – while being financially rewarded for the constant emotional labor I was already accustomed to doing for free. I soon noticed the impact my presence and total acceptance of my clients was having on their lives as well. Eventually my decade as an escort brought me to the profession of somatic sex education, another kind of sex work that built on the skills I’d already developed in the industry. Somatic sex education brought me full circle in my own healing - to a better understanding of the lack of choice and voice I had before I started working and why. I’ll collapse the whore/healer dichotomy and explain why all whores are healers if they choose to be.

Session Category :  2020 

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