May 1, 2020

Trans, Just For The Fun Of It: The Compassionate Practice of Gender in Four Dimensions 9:15AM  -  10:15AM Zoom

Trans, Just For The Fun Of It: The Compassionate Practice of Gender in Four Dimensions

Gender—broadly considered a two dimensional phenomenon described as male-or-female—is both the site of and cause of great personal and cultural suffering. The reason for this is that multi-dimensional understanding of gender by an increasing number of people has reached a cultural tipping point resulting in a painful clash of belief systems. The resolution lies in the analysis and compassionate application of the complementary wisdoms of postmodern theory, Mahayana Buddhism, and quantum mechanics: three fields which, in a Venn diagram, overlap at slapstick comedy.

Dulcinea Alex Pitagora will briefly discussed the implications of gender constraints applied from birth, then will introduce Kate Bornstein, who will discuss her current work on gender theory as elaborated in four dimensions. Kate invites you to join in the conversation!

Session Category :  2020 

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