Smitty Buckler

Smitty Buckler

Trans & HIV Activist, Artist, Organizer, Writer, Performer, Researcher, and Healer

Smitty Buckler is an amalgamation of grey area politicized identities expressing themselves through the intersections of being an artist, organizer, writer, performer, dancer, researcher, healer, and advocate. They have been creating opportunities for qtpoc artists since 2005 through the Conspiracy of Geniuses (CoG). CoG is now working to bridge the gap between art, social change and healing with the project Rad Care. Enthusiasts of Smitty say among their other qualities, one is phlebotomizing the patriarchy of all its evil blood, replacing it with liquid glitter. Smitty’s next project is to embody this exploration by starting a porn production house.

Trans & HIV Activist, Artist, Organizer, Writer, Performer, Coder, Researcher, Healer, and Advocate
